To learn English

Если у вас есть увлечение, с которым вы хотели бы поделиться с другими - то вам сюда

Сообщение Adeline » Ср янв 05, 2011 14:46 pm

What makes you think this way? Someone's wrong grammar? I think it's all natural )) Or maybe those who seem to speak well are under suspicion? :)
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Откуда: ГК и не только

Сообщение Натали » Чт янв 06, 2011 22:59 pm

Adeline писал(а):Hi, maybe i'll take a look at your meeting and insert couple of frases ) Is it always a subject of discussions, or some learning materials, or it could be just chatting around?

It can be anything you wish! All club members are equal, and any of us can suggest either a subject for discussion, or some interesting materials (one's never old for learning), or if we have a proper mood - just chat around. So it's all up to you, up to us.
Земля дышит... Обрати внимание, что ты в неё бросаешь,- она же выдохнет это на тебя:)
Сообщения: 30
Зарегистрирован: Пт окт 29, 2010 22:18 pm
Откуда: Горячий Ключ

Сообщение Натали » Чт янв 06, 2011 23:03 pm

ВлАдИмИр70 писал(а):And you here actually English know all?
Or translate by means of Internet translators?

Are you afraid of something? Or you judge by yourself?
Земля дышит... Обрати внимание, что ты в неё бросаешь,- она же выдохнет это на тебя:)
Сообщения: 30
Зарегистрирован: Пт окт 29, 2010 22:18 pm
Откуда: Горячий Ключ

Сообщение ВлАдИмИр70 » Пт янв 07, 2011 10:57 am

Натали писал(а):Are you afraid of something? Or you judge by yourself?

And of that to me to be afraid?
You wanted to tell, what I judge on myself?
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Зарегистрирован: Чт янв 14, 2010 6:07 am
Откуда: Красноярск

Сообщение Натали » Пн янв 10, 2011 23:47 pm

Your style of writing - difficult to understand, but possible. welcome to the club to practice and master your English
Земля дышит... Обрати внимание, что ты в неё бросаешь,- она же выдохнет это на тебя:)
Сообщения: 30
Зарегистрирован: Пт окт 29, 2010 22:18 pm
Откуда: Горячий Ключ

Сообщение Гость » Вт фев 22, 2011 2:48 am

Dear, Натали

Do you still accept new members? I would like to join a club. But I have several questions just for escape of misunderstanding:
1. Time and date
2. Price
3. and last, could you please explain what is it - "Perekrestok"? Where is this place?

Thanks in advance,

Сообщение Ivan » Вт апр 10, 2012 22:30 pm

Hi there. Is it still working? Going to visit UK this summer, so it would be nice to have some additional practice in english. Waiting for answer :)
P.S.: sorry for long time of silence. Ivan was here ))
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Зарегистрирован: Вт авг 31, 2010 12:33 pm

Сообщение Натали » Вт апр 10, 2012 23:22 pm

Hi, Ivan, this year we don't meet at the club, unfortunately :( So you'll have a good chance to master your language right there, among native speakers, this is the best way! Have a good trip and Good luck!
P.S. By the way, there's a chance for you to have a good chat with a russian girl just from the USA (she's lived there for more than 10 years) - she's perfect!!!! :cool: If you're interested, I'll give you her phone number, and you'll agree on price and time.
Земля дышит... Обрати внимание, что ты в неё бросаешь,- она же выдохнет это на тебя:)
Сообщения: 30
Зарегистрирован: Пт окт 29, 2010 22:18 pm
Откуда: Горячий Ключ

Сообщение Skysport » Пт апр 13, 2012 15:03 pm

Ivan писал(а):Hi there. Is it still working? Going to visit UK this summer, so it would be nice to have some additional practice in english. Waiting for answer :)
P.S.: sorry for long time of silence. Ivan was here ))

Ivan, just in order you got ready for famous scotish accent:
(voice recognition elevator) :)
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Зарегистрирован: Вт янв 31, 2012 22:15 pm
Откуда: Москва/Сахалин

Сообщение Ivan » Сб апр 14, 2012 0:41 am

Very humorous. Really )) But I'm not going to visit Scots or Irish :( Just London, suburbs and Stonehenge. I do know that the north of UK speaks Gaelic. If you what to speak English go to England. Hey, Nat, could you please send me your "USA-girl" phone number? Private please. Thanks a lot
Сообщения: 21
Зарегистрирован: Вт авг 31, 2010 12:33 pm

Сообщение wanderlust » Ср янв 09, 2013 17:15 pm

I visit the meetings of english conversation club in Krasnodar. The meetings take place on Saturdays. The club is arranged by a foreigner. Each meeting lasts for three hours, during this period of time the different themes are discussed. I believe it is both useful and good way of spending my free time, that's a pity but there are no such clubs in our town.
Сообщения: 722
Зарегистрирован: Вс май 15, 2011 14:28 pm
Откуда: Горячий Ключ

Сообщение psekups » Ср янв 09, 2013 22:55 pm

is it free?

When it will be the next meeting?

Could you please to give an adress of meeting
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Зарегистрирован: Сб авг 21, 2010 15:49 pm
Откуда: живу в ГК с 2007г

Сообщение wanderlust » Чт янв 10, 2013 0:06 am

Every meeting costs 250 rubles and lasts for 3 hours. Next meeting will take place next Saturday. It is situated in 2 minutes walk from Drama Theatre. Link to its page [url][/url] There are a few such clubs in Krasnodar but I deciaded to join this club.
Сообщения: 722
Зарегистрирован: Вс май 15, 2011 14:28 pm
Откуда: Горячий Ключ

to learn English

Сообщение SvetlanaJacob » Вс мар 17, 2013 2:09 am

А иммигрировать не думали? Мы уехали в Бельгию ещё в 2000...

Сообщение psekups » Вс мар 17, 2013 9:41 am

if you have a blog with your stories of live it will be fun to read it
I try to immigrate several times but right now live in Goryachiy Kluch. I the nature and people.
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Сообщения: 7906
Зарегистрирован: Сб авг 21, 2010 15:49 pm
Откуда: живу в ГК с 2007г


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