To learn English

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To learn English

Сообщение psekups » Пн мар 01, 2010 21:50 pm

Сегодня был участником небольшой группы людей, которые практикуют разговорный английский язык.

Руководит группой участник форума с ником Шумак. Встреча длилась 2 часа. Участики делают взнос в 200-00 руб. В общем мне понравилось. Освежил навыки разговорного английского языка. Хорошо пообщался.

Сообщение Guardian » Пн мар 01, 2010 22:06 pm

Then feel free of making this thread completely in English! :)

Сообщение psekups » Пн мар 01, 2010 22:20 pm

I do a lot of mistakes but I try explaining the same.

It was two women and two men. We listen how one of women fly in to India. Each of us also explains the short topic. Then answer the questions.

It was fun.

Сообщение Гость » Пн мар 01, 2010 22:20 pm

psekups писал(а):Участики делают взнос в 200-00 руб

It still what for? :o

Сообщение psekups » Пн мар 01, 2010 22:25 pm

Участики делают взнос в 200-00 руб
It still what for? Surprised

This meating is a part of coaching process. The is master and he asks a small fee.

Сообщение ВТ » Пн мар 01, 2010 22:40 pm

My name is VT. I get up at 7 o’clock. I open the window, inhale
stinking smoke of burning waste...Furniture Factory forever...

P.S: Извините, если с ошибками написала, давно не упражнялась в английском, зато от души...
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Сообщение Guardian » Пн мар 01, 2010 23:06 pm

http://psekups, it would be a fun too if You establish a small registration fee for supporting the admistration of the forum! :idea:

PS Double rate for Furniture Factory workers and local authorities...

Сообщение psekups » Пн мар 01, 2010 23:37 pm

I think the fee will be pay advertiser. Unforchanly, right now the is no wisher to pay it. It will be in a future.

The organizer of English group to find an unique niche. He slove the demand of local market.

Сообщение rOOt » Вт мар 02, 2010 21:55 pm

Last post is terrible, let's speak russian :-D

Сообщение Guardian » Вт мар 02, 2010 22:00 pm

Don't panic! Practice makes perfect... 8)

Сообщение ainau » Сб мар 06, 2010 6:45 am

hey there! really nice to realize that some people show interest in english. i;d be more than happy to meet with you one day to share some grammar/spoken skills (PhD in Languages) c u later :DRINK:
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Сообщения: 28
Зарегистрирован: Пн июл 06, 2009 12:37 pm

Сообщение Guardian » Сб мар 06, 2010 8:15 am

I've thought the area of your expertise was a developing EKO homes. Have you changed your mind?.. :roll:

Сообщение psekups » Сб мар 06, 2010 10:25 am

http://ainau, where are you live?

Сообщение ainau » Вс мар 07, 2010 5:21 am

Guardian писал(а):http://ainau
I've thought the area of your expertise was a developing EKO homes. Have you changed your mind?.. :roll:

- hi all! you' ve thought absolutely right, yet its not the only area i am interested in, you know :-) there are quite a few. in fact, we consider (and hopefully we'll manage to launch this project too) to organize a 1 week sport-linguistic summer camp next year. Just imagine: parents bring their kids to stay in English-only Spoken environment for 1 week. they are addressed in English from the very moment they arrive, they are explained all in English (is not clear, Russian language can be used, of course), the menu is in English, all items around the camp have signs that are in English ("shower", "fruits", "plants", "tools in garage", "things in house and around the camp" etc, etc, etc)
so they have lots of classes (taught not only by Russian teachers but by invited native speakers from abroad), LOTS of classes, lessons, tasks, exercises, cartoons / films with subtitles on big screen via projector, books, books, books, practice in pairs, practice in groups, practice , practice , practice , and practice again 24/7. hiking trips while speaking English only (to change the scenery and , thus , topics) -that'll be helpfull to start speaking second language.

hmmmm...some when just before new school year begins. In order for kids and students to refresh their English by speaking, studying, reading, watching English 24/7. Deeeep learning (so called "pogrushenie") is the best method to master any language so far known. Besides this camp will allow parents to "get rid of" their children for 1-2 weeks or so to have some time for themselves, right? :-D
anyway, for pres moment it is just an idea, we'll into it and figure it out one way or another.

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Зарегистрирован: Пн июл 06, 2009 12:37 pm

Сообщение ainau » Вс мар 07, 2010 5:29 am

psekups писал(а):http://ainau, where are you live?

:cool: well, how to put it? i live in different places. the citizen of the Earth. hmmm, at this very moment i am happy to find myself in Koh Samui, Tailand doing yoga
PS by the way, its not really ok to use verb "to be" when you ask about regular actions like "live". thus, correct would be "where http://do http://you live?"
however, you still can use "to be" if you know that i travel a lot and you want to ask where i am staying at present moment. in this case you shall add "ing" to the verb: "where are you livhttp://ing now?"

c ya
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 28
Зарегистрирован: Пн июл 06, 2009 12:37 pm


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